How Much You Should Pay Your Childcare Trainees

Owning a childcare business can be one of the best work environments because you get to watch kids grow and develop. The more your childcare has to offer, the more profitable it becomes. As your business grows, you will start thinking about adding in people who are trainees. This can be a trial period to see if they will be a good fit for your company and the children.

How much should you pay your childcare trainees? Depending on the trainees’ experience will determine the amount you pay them. The standard pay for a daycare worker is $15.15 an hour but can be less during the trial period.

When you first add in people, you may want to pay them less and gradually increase to ensure a quality fit for the position. This allows you to cut ties without spending too much money. Often labor is the biggest cost a company will have, and it is crucial to get a good fit for the job. You should have an idea of what you can afford to tell the new trainee.

What To Offer Trainees

Many employers and others get trainees and interns confused. Most times, interns are students looking for experience in a particular field and will work for free. However, trainees have graduated and are entering a field as a beginner for pay.

Typically, they will earn less than someone with years of experience, but they do earn money. Before hiring anyone, you will want to make it clear whether you’re looking for an intern or trainee. There are also some things you will need to offer your employees.

Different Work Experiences

Allow your trainees to see more than one part of the business. The best way to do this is by asking what their goals are and seeing how you can work them into their training. You need to provide them with new skills and tools to succeed in the work environment. That is one of your many jobs as an employer training someone.

Keep Trainees Safe

Just because someone is a trainee and not a full staff member does not mean they do not have safety rights. As an employer, you must follow the regulations to keep your trainees safe as you would a staff member and provide tools for their safety.

This may also mean you will need to teach your staff how to use all of the equipment in the first aid kit or provide them with resources to learn more about keeping safe. It is your job to ensure the staff has all of the tools to be safe.

Allow Them To Take Leave

Just as any other employee your trainee will have the right to have sick leave and vacation time depending on your company policy. However, you can provide paid or unpaid leave to all workers including trainees. Whatever benefits that full-time staff normally gets will also extend to the trainees you hire.

Monitor Progress

As an employer, you will want a way to set goals and track them. This will help your trainee understand what they need to work on and know that you have a way to monitor progress. This also allows you to openly communicate ways to improve and set boundaries early on what you expect staff to be like.

These are some of the most fundamental rights your trainees’ will earn. You will want to ensure all labor laws are being followed, and your trainee gets the benefits just like the other staff members would.

You can negotiate the starting wage, but some things are non-negotiable, and you will want to be sure to follow the rules. If you have a different package for trainees, make sure they know their options, and you check to make sure you are following the laws in your area.

What Types Of Training You Should Provide

Training can be intimidating especially if you have not done it many times. However, don’t be fearful. Many of the people you hire will look at the job description and will determine if they think they would be a good fit beforehand. Then it is up to you to decide whether or not to take them on and train them. Here are some good ideas for your training plan.

Create a Plan

Not everyone will have the same experiences, and if you want everyone to be on the same page, it is best to come up with a plan. What do you want the trainees to focus on? Teach them how to interact with kids, and add in books that will help them understand kids.

You can create a training program based on a few months, and this will help you know what the trainees need to work on, and it will allow them to understand what you want in a staff member. Create a plan and stick with it. The better they work, the higher you may be willing to pay them in the end.

Safety Training

If you cannot teach a class, you may want to require a CPR class and certificate showing they completed this program. When working with kids and training others, it is crucial to have every staff member, including the trainees, be CPR certified if anything happens. You can opt to pay for a program for them or have it be a requirement for them to pay for before training is over.

Childhood Development

The trainees may have had some classes on childhood development, but it is crucial to expand on that during training and even after becoming staff members. It will be essential to put them in the right age group and understand why kids do what they do. If you get someone who simply cannot understand or identify why a child is acting out, it may cause problems in the future and could put the child in danger for not noticing certain signs.

How To Keep Records

As someone working with children, you will want to ensure your staff knows how to take notes and keep records. This will help keep track of children coming in and out, any odd signs on which days, and of course for any billing issues. This should be incorporated into the trainees’ training schedule. Records should include things like attendance, activities, lessons, and any unusual behavior with children.

Include The Basics

There will be basic training requirements in every state or country that you have to add to the program. You will want to look up the requirements for your location and make sure you hit all of the points. If you do not add in the basics of your area, you risk losing your license or worse. Ensure that you look up everything before deciding to hire anyone.

How To Teach Kids

Many people who apply for this job will have had some experience with children or even some classes. They may not have had experience with many kids in one room, and it can be overwhelming. You will want to make sure they can handle kids who bicker, fight, cry, or more. Kids are unpredictable and learn how to control emotions healthily. You will want to make sure your trainee knows the appropriate way to keep this situation under control.

You will want to ensure the entire team can provide appropriate and exceptional care. They should all be loving and nurturing but you will want the staff to be on the same page with the same expectations. This will keep you from getting in trouble in the future.

Not sure what you should be paying your daycare manager? Check out our article HERE!

Final Thoughts

At the start of training, you can offer less money, and when the trainee becomes a full-time staff member, you can offer them a boost in their pay. Take a look at your entire business, understand the maximum amount you can afford, and set realistic expectations. If someone has more experience, it may mean less training, which can mean a higher starting pay.

As you offer training services, it helps boost their portfolio, but it does take a lot of time out of your day. You will want to look at every detail before selecting the starting pay. You need to choose an amount that you can afford, which allows them to train and yet still live. Setting a fair price will ensure loyalty and quality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do trainees get holiday pay?
Offering staff members holiday pay is a great way to ensure loyalty and increase income during the holidays. All trainees will get the same benefits as the full-time staff members and the rest of the team.

How do trainees get paid?
All staff members will get paid through the bank and payroll company connected to the business. Trainees will get checks the same way the staff members do, though the amount will vary from person to person.

How many hours is a traineeship?
Many training programs are between 12-15 hours per week and may last up to two years. The program and work environment will determine the hours and length of the individual.

Please note: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a legal expert to address your specific needs.

To learn more on how to start your own daycare checkout my startup course and documents here.