When you are choosing a daycare for your child, what immediately comes to mind? Of course, a kind and caring staff is going to be first on your list. However, there are other things that you are going to take into account, such as the equipment that is available for your child to use. When children are attending a daycare center, certain things have come to be expected, such as having indoor play equipment readily accessible for your child. The right equipment can promote learning and brain development, while also encouraging the child to have fun. But, how do you know which indoor play equipment is the right equipment?
A daycare should offer a wide variety of age-appropriate indoor play equipment. Some indoor equipment includes:
- Jump rope
- Balls
- Hula hoops
- Riding toys
- Push/pull toys
- Rocking and twisting toys
- Letter and number blocks
- Modeling dough
- Building blocks
- Threading toys
- Musical toys
- Art supplies and easel
- Sensory bins
- Playmats
- Board games
In this article, I will further elaborate on each of these categories and discuss which toys can be found in them. We will also examine how these toys can benefit children and enhance their daycare experience. We will also discuss the rationale behind making this play equipment accessible to children in daycare centers versus not having indoor play equipment.
Why Should Your Daycare Have Indoor Play Equipment?
Before we discuss which type of indoor play equipment should be found in your daycare, I feel like it’s appropriate to discuss the rationale behind having indoor play equipment. What are some of the benefits of having indoor play equipment readily accessible to children who attend daycare centers? Three of the benefits of having indoor play equipment in your daycare or that they allow children to relieve stress; explore the world around them, and have fun, according to Playground Outfitters.
Other benefits of indoor play equipment found in most daycare centers are that they help children to engage and react to stimuli such as colors in textures. According to Experian-USA, this also stimulates a toddler’s sense of balance and also teaches them to be aware of their body and their surroundings. As you can see, there are far too many benefits that are associated with having indoor play equipment at your daycare center not to have it. Believe it or not, this is one of the first things parents will look for when they are trying to find a daycare center for their child.
What Free Play Equipment Should Be Found In Your Daycare?
The first category of indoor play equipment that we are going to examine is often referred to as “free play” equipment. This type of equipment in Courage has children explore and play on their own, rather than be a part of a structured activity. Most free play equipment is often associated with physical activity and the development of essential motor skills. However, certain limitations can be imposed if you are encouraging free play indoors. You are going to have to keep a few essential items on hand to encourage free play indoors.
Some indoor essential free play equipment that you should keep on hand in your daycare center includes balls, hula hoops, jump ropes, and riding toys. While certain toys such as hula hoops, jump ropes, and balls may traditionally be associated with being outdoor activities, they can also be conducted indoors. This will encourage children to get physical activity during times that may not be optimal for outside play, such as rainy days, or days when it is especially hot. Riding toys can also provide children with lots of entertainment and fun.
Learn the five things parents are searching for in a daycare!
What Motor Skill Development Play Equipment Should Be Found In Your Daycare?

Developing motor skills is essential for toddlers and young children. Most daycare centers will have equipment on hand that encourages the development of these essential motor skills. Some equipment that would also be categorized as free play equipment can also be used for this purpose, such as jump ropes, balls, and hula hoops. Other indoor equipment that are crucial to the development of motor skills are push/pull toys and rocking and twisting toys. Just be sure to have several of these on hand to accommodate the number of children you have in your center.
Push/pull toys are especially beneficial to toddlers, according to the website Baby Sparks. These toys encourage the development of fine motor skills by making toddlers move effectively, which strengthens their handgrip and refined both their hand and finger movements. Rocking and twisting toys also assist with many of the essential motor skills that toddlers need to develop. Some of the skills include holding their heads up, sitting up, pulling themselves up to stand with support, and using back muscles to control movements such as rocking and riding.
What Educational Play Equipment Should Be Found In Your Daycare?
One of the primary benefits of sending children to daycare is that they have an opportunity to learn while they play. Having educational play equipment in your daycare gives your students a chance to incorporate fun with an educational experience. While this equipment will vary with the age of your students, some educational equipment includes letter and number blocks, playmats, building blocks, musical toys, model dough, threading toys, sensory bins, art supplies and easels, and a wide selection of board games.
Letter and number blocks will help younger children learn their letters and numbers, as well as help them to develop spelling skills. Educational play mats encourage children to use logic and critical thinking skills. Building blocks such as Legos, as well as modeling dough, will foster creativity in your students. Music has often been late to helping children to better learn math skills. Therefore, having a few musical toys on hand is always a great idea. Threading toys assist young children with learning their shapes, and sensory bins encourage children to explore different textures. Art supplies and easels will help children to explore their creative side, and board games are a great tool to encourage children to use critical thinking skills.
Is There Anything Else That Your Daycare Should Have?
While it may not necessarily be considered indoor play equipment, many daycares are making the switch to digital learning. With this change comes a lot of equipment that is necessary to usher any daycare center into the Modern Age. Most daycare centers now have several computers available for their students, complete with learning software. While this may not be seen as necessary for a daycare center to have, having updated and modern equipment can be the difference between parents choosing your daycare center and choosing another daycare for their child.
Perhaps the primary benefit to having computers available for your students is that they can use the computers for several years. Learning software is specifically designed to encourage learning in several different age groups and can accommodate children of many different backgrounds. When you consider the benefits of computers and learning software, you are investing in both your students and your daycare center. In a world where everything has gone digital, you want to give your students the best learning experience possible.
If you are considering purchasing indoor play equipment for your daycare center, remember that there are several categories of equipment from which you can choose. Be sure to get equipment that encourages learning, the development of fine motor skills, and also free play. There is equipment that can accommodate children of all ages, sizes, and learning abilities. Having this equipment gives your daycare center a chance to prove that they have the best interest of their students in mind when it comes to their daycare experience.
Having the right equipment will be mutually beneficial to both your students and your daycare center, as you will have the chance to see your students grow and develop skills that will be needed throughout their lives. It will also benefit your daycare center because it will give your sensor the reputation of having the equipment that students need to thrive, which makes parents more than happy to send their children to your daycare.
Related Questions

What are a few examples of indoor play activities that you can Implement at your daycare center? There are several types of indoor activities that you can Implement at your daycare center. The key factor to remember is that you want to stimulate both the students’ bodies and minds while engaging in these activities. Here are a few activities in which your students can partake in your daycare center:
- Tai Chi and Yoga
- Board Games, Cards, and Puzzles
- Arts and Crafts
- Knitting and Crocheting
- Cooking and Baking
How many daycare centers are located in the United States? Daycare centers are an up-and-coming business in the United States. They provide a valuable service to working parents everywhere. According to Statista, there are an estimated 856,238 daycare centers located within the United States.
Please note: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a legal expert to address your specific needs.
To learn more on how to start your own daycare checkout my startup course and documents here.

Meet Shawn Chun: Entrepreneur and Childcare Business Fan.
I’m a happy individual who happens to be an entrepreneur. I have owned several types of businesses in my life from a coffee shop to an import and export business to an online review business plus a few more and now I create online daycare business resources for those interested in starting new ventures. It’s demanding work but I love it. I do it for those passionate about their business and their goals. That’s why when I meet a childcare business owner, I see myself. I know how hard the struggle is to retain clients, find good employees and keep the business growing all while trying to stay competitive.
That’s why I created Daycare Business Boss: I want to help childcare business owners like you build a thriving business that brings you endless joy and supports your ideal lifestyle.