How to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Practices into Your Daycare

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As a daycare worker, I’ve always thought it was important to create a safe place for everyone, not just the kids in my care. As worries about the environment grow, daycares like mine need to start using eco-friendly methods. This blog post will talk about the easy ways I’ve made my school more environmentally friendly so that the kids will have a better future.

I like incorporating eco-friendly practices into my daycare because it enhances environmental education, fosters a healthy learning environment, ensures cost savings, addresses challenges through research and education, and promotes community engagement with local partners.

  • Environmental Education: Integrate eco-friendly practices into daily routines to teach children about sustainability and environmental conservation from a young age.
  • Healthy Learning Environment: Use non-toxic cleaning products, and natural materials, and promote sustainable eating habits to create a healthier environment for children’s physical and mental well-being.
  • Long-Term Cost Savings: Initial investments in eco-friendly upgrades like energy-efficient appliances and reusable supplies lead to significant cost savings over time through reduced utility bills and waste disposal costs.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Address challenges such as the limited availability of eco-friendly products and resistance to change by researching sustainable alternatives, educating stakeholders, and gradually implementing changes.
  • Community Engagement: Foster partnerships with local farmers, businesses, and environmental organizations to support sustainable practices and promote community involvement in eco-friendly initiatives at your daycare.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reusing, recycling, and cutting down on waste are important parts of our daily practice at my daycare. I’ve moved from single-use items like paper towels and plastic utensils to reusable ones like cloth towels and washable dishes. I’ve set up recycling bins with clear labels for paper, plastic, and glass to teach my staff and kids how to properly throw away trash. Making learning about recycling fun is something I do. I set up sorting games and tasks so that it becomes a habit early on.

We also get creative with arts and crafts by reusing things like milk bottles, toilet paper rolls, and empty cardboard boxes. Putting these things to creative use not only encourages creativity but also cuts down on trash that ends up in landfills. By teaching these habits to my kids, I not only help protect the earth, but I also teach them how important it is to be sustainable.

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Embrace Natural Elements

Bringing the outside inside has changed everything at my school. Some of the natural things I’ve used to make my learning space are plants, wooden toys, and organic materials. In addition to making the air better, plants are also great for teaching because they let kids see growth for themselves. Solid wood toys are long-lasting and don’t contain any harmful chemicals. They make play areas safer and help cut down on plastic use.

I also use as little energy as possible by letting in as much natural light as possible. We don’t need as much artificial lighting during the day when play areas are close to windows because we can soak up the sun. Playing outside in natural places like gardens or parks helps kids feel more connected to the world around them. By adding these natural aspects to my daycare, I’ve made it a better place for kids to learn and grow which will last longer.

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Promote Sustainable Eating Habits

Nutrition is very important for kids’ growth, so I made sure that our daycare’s meals include foods that are good for the environment. Locally grown and organic foods are our first choice whenever possible. This helps local farms and cuts down on the carbon emissions that come from transportation. I teach kids about food waste and how important it is to finish their meals to urge them to eat mindfully.

We’ve also started composting programs to keep food scraps out of landfills and turn them into soil that gardens and local fields can use. Getting kids involved in gardening and making meals gives them a sense of control over where their food comes from. By encouraging environmentally friendly ways of eating, I put the health of the earth first and lay the groundwork for making healthy choices for life.

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Conserve Water Resources

Trying to save water is another thing I’ve been working on. We’ve cut our water use by a lot by doing simple things like adding low-flow faucets and toilets. To keep water from going to waste, I’ve told the kids to turn off faucets when they’re not in use and fix leaks right away. We catch rainwater to use on plants outside and do tests to show how valuable this resource is.

We’ve also made water-saving habits a part of our daily lives. For example, we wash our hands in a sink instead of letting the water run all the time. Kids should take shorter baths and turn off the water while they brush their teeth, I tell them. By teaching these habits to kids at a young age, I give them the power to be good water protectors, which will protect the future for future generations.

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Foster Environmental Education and Awareness

To create a mindset of sustainability in our daycare, education is very important. I include environmental issues in our daily lessons. For example, we talk about climate change, renewable energy, and biodiversity. Children can learn about nature through books, videos, and interactive games that are good for their age.

So that people can get first-hand experience with protecting the environment, we plan trips outside to nature reserves, botanical parks, or wildlife sanctuaries. Including parents and caregivers in events or workshops that focus on eco-friendly things they can do at home makes our overall effect stronger. By encouraging kids to learn about and care about the environment, I give them the tools they need to become environmental activists and make a good impact in their communities.


  1. Environmental Awareness: By incorporating eco-friendly practices into your daycare, you raise awareness among children about the importance of sustainability and environmental conservation from a young age. This early exposure helps instill a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the planet, shaping future generations of environmentally conscious individuals.
  2. Healthier Learning Environment: Many eco-friendly practices, such as using non-toxic cleaning products, and natural materials, and promoting sustainable eating habits, contribute to creating a healthier learning environment for children. Reduced exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins can lead to improved indoor air quality and overall well-being, enhancing the physical and mental health of both children and caregivers.
  3. Cost Savings in the Long Run: While initial investments may be required to implement certain eco-friendly practices, such as installing energy-efficient appliances or purchasing reusable supplies, they often result in long-term cost savings. Energy-efficient upgrades reduce utility bills, while practices like waste reduction and recycling can lower waste disposal costs. Over time, these savings can offset initial expenses and contribute to the financial sustainability of the daycare.


  1. Initial Investment and Time Commitment: Incorporating eco-friendly practices into a daycare requires an initial investment of time and resources. From researching sustainable alternatives to purchasing eco-friendly supplies and implementing new routines, the transition may require significant upfront effort from daycare providers. Moreover, adapting to new practices and educating staff and children about sustainability can also require ongoing time commitments.
  2. Limited Availability of Eco-Friendly Products: Depending on location and resources, finding eco-friendly products and materials suitable for daycare use may pose a challenge. Limited availability or higher costs of sustainable alternatives compared to conventional products can hinder the adoption of eco-friendly practices. Additionally, ensuring the quality and safety of eco-friendly products may require thorough research and careful consideration.
  3. Resistance to Change: Introducing new eco-friendly practices into a daycare setting may face resistance from staff, parents, or even children accustomed to traditional routines and materials. Resistance to change can stem from various factors, including concerns about convenience, perceived effectiveness, or unfamiliarity with sustainable alternatives. Overcoming resistance may require effective communication, education, and gradual implementation of changes to garner support and buy-in from stakeholders.


Putting it all together, making my school more eco-friendly has been a learning experience. It’s not enough to just save the planet; we need to raise a future of people who care about the environment. I’ve made the place where I care for kids healthy by using easy-to-do things like reducing waste, incorporating natural elements, teaching kids about sustainable eating, saving water, and teaching them about the environment. I’ve given them a sense of duty for the world they live in through these activities.

As a daycare worker, I know that I have the power to change young minds and create habits that will last a lifetime. I’ve seen how every small step toward sustainability makes the future better and greener for our children and future generations. I’m grateful for this chance. So that our daycares are not only places where kids can get care, but also examples of eco-friendliness and caring for the environment, let’s keep coming up with new ideas, teaching others, and getting people excited about it.

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To learn more on how to start your daycare, check out my startup documents here.

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